Friday 19 March 2010

Animated Storyboard

Here is the animated storyboard in its first draft.


Our poster for our feature film 'Whoop It Up!'

Final Magazine Cover

Magazine Cover

Today we had our cover and poster shoot, this is an image straight from the camera, pre editing. We used a white background to make the images easier to edit and studio flashes to create a quality image.

Final Cut

Here is the final cut for the 'Whoop It Up' teaser trailer.

Questions and Answers

After completing a rough draft of our teaser trailer for our feature film 'Whoop It Up'. We devised and created a short survey asking what viewers thought of the mise on scene, camera shots, editing, sound track and what were it's strong and weak points.

After multiple surveys being handed out and returned, we were able to review them and add and change certain aspects to our second draft.

We will soon be finishing our final teaser trailer for 'Whoop It Up' and posting on youtube as well as the blog.

Second Rough Cut


In order to prepare for our planning we will be choosing an ideal location which is perfect for our scene. As we are shooting a 'house party' it is essential that we need to create a fake party with a gritty atmosphere. There will be many props including various alcoholic drinks, 'un-cool' clothes for the four main characters and a lot of extra's to create a real party atmosphere. I have chosen a flat in which filming would be ideal. This alongside effective characters, convincing camera shots and the right props will in all create a successful realistic and believable atmosphere. It is however vitally important to maintain a comic element as the teaser trailer in which we are creating is a comedy. Examples of this would include one of the main characters holding a 'coke' instead of a larger, an unsuccessful attempt to flirt with the opposite sex and an overall feeling of queasiness leading to being sick.

Action Movie Timeline

An Action Movie Family Tree

World domination movies
-Independence Day (1996)
-Rambo (2008)
-The Dark Knight (2008)

-The Matrix (1999)
-District 9 (2009)
-Star Wars (1980)
-Terminator (1991)

-Lord of the Rings (2003)

-The Shining (1980)
-Alien (1986)
-Psycho (1960)
-The Thing (1982)

-Forest Gump (1994)

-Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
-Snatch (2000)
-Transporter (2002)

-The Good The Bad And The Ugly (1966)

Whoop it Up Script

Certificate Rating

It is best to set our film at a certificate rating of 15 as it does target our target audience teenage boys and girls from the 15-25 cluster. It also shows the audience that there may be some strong scenes not sutible for younger people. This is an inticing factor when compared to the new 'lilo and stitch' movie. An audience today expects strong material and an ultimately funny movie which isn't sutible for your baby cousin to watch. This alongside a confirmation from the bbfc is what our film will need to become effective.

Party Idea

Within our synopsis and trailer there will be scenes of parties going on. We are currently deciding on a location and finalizing our decisions in hope to come to an effective location and idea for a party. We are deliberately not filming a real party as previous experience has told us that it does not ever create the same effect or atmosphere.

Fiming Locations

As our film theme is based on four 17 year old guys looking to have some fun. Naturally you would expect to see shots of the college. I feel however that it is necessary to break away from college as a filming location as the finished product will be cheapened as viewers who know the college will know the settings and therefore the enigma will be gone. We can have a variety of locations to choose from that are set away from the actual college to enhance the mystery.

Full Synopsis

Four 17 year olds all one age shy from being able to buy alcohol legally are desperate to enjoy the summer of 2010. This naturally involves 'booze, parties, girls and getting laid!' They film starts off with a brief and harsh reality of how Max, Josh, Alex and Adam live their current lives. This then progresses into a plan to 'get laid' once Adam has had an epiphany dreaming of what they're current lives would turn out to be in the future. The plan is to target multiple parties across town after exams are finished. After a lot of failed attempts and overall embarrassing evening, there is only one party left to go to. The biggest party in town! There are many comic moments but overall the night becomes a success as each guy either 'gets laid' or finds a girlfriend.

There is a deliberate moral to the film to help create closure.

Genre Decision

We discussed within our groups which genres to consider and depending on their flexibility finalized one. We have decided to choose a 'comedy' as teen movies are ideal as we are all in the correct age group. Making the film a 15 rated movie will not only outline our target audience but will also entice the audience. At this moment we are sill debating our title for our film and in the mean time are researching various trailers of the same genre on youtube.

Synopsis Idea

Four guys all desperate to get laid, drunk and good exam results. It's the second year of their A-Levels and they are looking for a good time. Peer pressured into being cool, these four unsuspecting 'heroes' will embark on a journey that will change their lives forever.