Friday 19 March 2010


In order to prepare for our planning we will be choosing an ideal location which is perfect for our scene. As we are shooting a 'house party' it is essential that we need to create a fake party with a gritty atmosphere. There will be many props including various alcoholic drinks, 'un-cool' clothes for the four main characters and a lot of extra's to create a real party atmosphere. I have chosen a flat in which filming would be ideal. This alongside effective characters, convincing camera shots and the right props will in all create a successful realistic and believable atmosphere. It is however vitally important to maintain a comic element as the teaser trailer in which we are creating is a comedy. Examples of this would include one of the main characters holding a 'coke' instead of a larger, an unsuccessful attempt to flirt with the opposite sex and an overall feeling of queasiness leading to being sick.

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